Prepare for Colder Weather

October 23, 2018

With colder weather forecast for our area, Wythe County would like you and your family to stay safe. Wythe County has already had and is still forecast for temperatures below freezing along with precipitation. Here are some initial tips to get you and your family prepared for the colder weather.

• Plan ahead! Keep a stock of extra food, water, batteries, blankets, and medicines in case of power outages or the unexpected. Keep informed of changing weather from local media.

• Wear layers when outside doing activities and stay hydrated.

• Bring pets inside or provide adequate provisions to keep them warm. Keep them hydrated with plenty of fresh water (not frozen) when outside.

• Make sure your address is visible from the street to assist emergency responders in locating you during an emergency.

• Install, test, and maintain working smoke alarms in the home.

• Furnaces, fireplaces, and chimneys should be routinely cleaned and inspected. It is recommended to contract a qualified technician for repairs and maintenance.

• Turn off portable heaters when unattended, and keep pets and children at a safe distance from heating elements.

• Keep combustible materials at least 3’ from space heaters, furnaces, and fireplaces.

• Never use your oven or stove for heating purposes.

• Dispose of ashes in a metal container. Place the container outdoors, away from combustible materials or construction.

• Install and maintain carbon monoxide (CO) alarms to avoid the risk of CO poisoning. Carbon monoxide alarms are NOT a substitute for smoke alarms.

• Check in on neighbors, especially the elderly, to make sure everyone is safe.

 Let’s keep Wythe County safe and help each other. If you have an emergency call 911 for assistance. If you have any questions visit or email our office. Thank you and Stay Safe!

Curtis W. Crawford
Emergency Services Coordinator