WYTHE COUNTY, Va.- A multi-year project at Wythe County’s Ager Park has kids in a playful mood. The community gathered with County leaders Wednesday afternoon to celebrate the completion of Phase 2 of playground upgrades.


The first phase of construction of the nature-themed Bliss Products build was completed in August 2023 with the play equipment primarily intended for kids eight to 12 years old. Now, nearly one year later, the second phase is complete, this time with equipment intended for children ages two through eight.


The completed playground meets modern standards, including ADA accessibility and a design that adheres to the Seven Principles of Inclusive Play. The new playground features age-appropriate equipment and incorporates traditional play as well as musical and nature elements.


“We are so grateful to see this dream come to fruition,” said Kevin Williams, director of Wythe County Parks and Recreation. “This process has been a labor of love for many county leaders and departments and local supporters.”


“Ager Park is a staple of free recreation in Wythe County,” Williams said. “With these improvements, this playground will hopefully be around for another 30 years and beyond. Most importantly, it is more accessible than ever, ensuring that there is something for every child to enjoy.”


This project would not have been possible without the support of the community, private donors, and grant funding. During Phase 1, the Wythe County Board of Supervisors chose to use $280,000 of federal Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency funds and $50,000 from the Wythe-Bland Foundation to begin renovations. The next phase relied on an additional $138,000 from the Wythe-Bland Foundation, $25,000 from the Wythe County Sheriff’s Office, $5,000 from Blue Line Solutions, and donations from business owners, private citizens and children as young as three.


“Some funds for this project were contributed by drivers who paid fines for speeding in our school zones,” said Chief Deputy Anthony Cline of the Wythe County Sheriff’s Office. “We are pleased that the children in our community will be able to benefit from these funds.”


During the July 24 celebration, a ribbon cutting was held with members of the Wythe County Board of Supervisors, County administration and staff, community leaders, and donors. The new playground was filled with children of all ages enjoying the new equipment. To sweeten the afternoon, local favorite Gilly’s Shaved Ice was on site serving free shaved ice courtesy of Bliss Products.


To honor the history of Ager Park playground, wooden pickets bearing the names of original donors and their children are being preserved for display at a later date. Metal animal plaques commemorating new donors are also being created. Upon recommendation from the Board of Supervisors, Wythe County Public Schools Technology Center’s Building Trades program was tasked to assist with both projects, which should resume when school is back in session.


Wythe County would like to thank the community and leadership for their support. If you have questions or are interested in assisting with future projects at Ager Park, contact the Parks and Recreation Department by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or calling 276-223-4519.





If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Wythe County officials, please call Wythe County Public Information Officer Allyson Williams at 276-223-4522 or email Allyson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.